Wednesday, September 19, 2007

How could interstates turned into toll roads help anything?

On September 1, 2007, an article was published in the Austin American-Statesman that was titled “Lawmaker questions state officials' support of tolling interstates.” There is a proposal by the state Department of Transportation to start charging tolls on interstate highways that already exist. The department wants Congress to pass a law that would let the state “buy back” some parts of interstates and then turn them into toll roads. Basically that means we would be paying taxes twice for those interstates that are being turned into toll roads. Because we pay taxes for the highways to be built in the first place, then if we were to pay a toll to use them then it would be like paying for them again a second time. The Department of Transportation put together a report called Forward Momentum that says private company investment in projects to convert interstates to tollways would get tax breaks. In order for this proposal to go through, it would require the approval by county commissions and taxpayers. Perry's position is that he feels highways should not be converted to tollways. Although there are many who oppose this proposal, it's always possible that it could go through.

This article is worth reading because it could affect everyone that uses the highway. We already have many toll roads being built in Austin and probably more throughout the state. I think it would just be ridiculous to start turning parts of interstate highways into toll roads. That would be so expensive for everyone and nearly impossible to avoid the tollways. It is also worth reading this to be more informed about what is going on with the roads these days. Especially when it's already expensive enough to drive due to the high gas prices.

You can read the article at Austin American Statesman